Who We Are
Air Reach Limited comprises a team of agile aerospace innovators, engineers, and practitioners. The team are addressing the increasing need for accurately delivering humanitarian aid into low and zero access disaster or conflict areas. These are areas that are beyond the capability (or reasonable cost) of accepted and conventional means of land, seaborne or air logistics.
What We Do
The team, together and as individuals, have many years’ experience in achieving, solving, or making real, leading edge aerospace conundrums, or delivering safely awkward or ‘impossible’ realities. Some of these successes are noted elsewhere on this website.
Innovative Solution
The solution is based around a dual purpose airframe that can be used as a glider or simply adapted for power by a small engine. The cargo hold is capable of 50kg of food, medical, or other supplies as well as water carried in a novel edible pod made from a derivative of seaweed. Animal feed can also be delivered as a part or whole cargo to stem disaster migration or abandonment.
Further Innovation
There are also plans for a reseeding flying dart design to address areas of desertification. This incorporates an ‘ozone tap’ that also takes moisture from the changing air temperature.
A larger design of the flying dart will also be available for replanting deforested areas.
For further details contact groundcrew.arl@ozoneering.co.uk
Air Reach Limited is an associate company of Ozoneering Limited